Things are very busy here. I have tons of students, and then juggling church activities. Our church youth 'orchestra' (using the term very loosly) began it includes a trumpet, a recorder (hey she showed up), a clarinet, a bass guitar(can't read music), 2 acoustic guitars, snare drum player (can't read music), an alto sax player( that can only read concert cleff), a very young one finger keyboard player, and myself. Look out Music Hall! We have no music stands, and of course only the music that I can produce on my computer on the free version of Finale, until I can afford the real one.
We are starting our Christmas program soon, and there are only about 9 people in our entire church that can read music. That includes the piano and organ players, and of course out of the ones that read music, 2 have back problems and can't stand for long periods, 1 has a terminally ill husband and can't come, and the rest is the pastoral staff!
It looks like I'll be directing and singing alto-- as there are only really 2 of us, so really there are only 2 1/2 altos, 1 tenor, 1 bass, and the rest sing the melody.
This is the real world!